Monday, November 21, 2005

The price of the dog does NOT make a good owner

I REALLY wanted to have a nice post today. I went out this morning with my business partners, to deliver boxes of Thanksgiving Food to families. It all seemed like a very rewarding morning. And truthfully all the families/individuals we spoke with were very nice. The disappointment came as we were just finishing up with the last box. I heard a weird screaming sound behind me that I couldn't I turned around I saw a scruffy older hispanic guy picking up a little schnauzer puppy by the scruff of the neck and shaking him while the puppy screamed and fought. Then as I turned to take another look he was walking across the street hanging the puppy from it's hind legs like he was carrying a dead rabbit. By the time I got around the fence and down the driveway he was cutting through he had the pup back up in his arm. I yelled at him that if he was going to treat the pup so badly he should just give it to me. He said he wasn't treating it badly. I told him I SAW him shaking it and carrying it upside down by it's hind legs. The poor little pup is looking over the guys shoulder at me just asking to get him out of there. I told the guy I'd give him $10 for the puppy (I didn't even know what I really had in my pocket)since he must not think much of it. He had the nerve to say he spent a LOT of money on that puppy. So I told him then he better start treating it better if he spent so much money on it because the way he's treating right now is abuse. He said something I couldn't hear and slipped through the break in the chainlink fence. I told him I was going to call the police with a description of him - but he knew and I knew that around here they don't care. Nothing will happen to him and the dog will end up dead. Not to mention the sad statement it makes that this scroungy, unclean man living in a crappy apartment building paid god knows how much money - that he could have used in many constructive ways like clean clothes and a bath - on a small helpless animal that will either die because he kills it, die because he can't afford to pay for any of it's healthcare, or die because he will have screwed it up so badly that when it lands at the shelter they will have no choice. Sometimes it doesn't seem worth it to get up in the morning...

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