Tuesday, July 13, 2004

your vote vs. the courts

Why is it that the Republicans are all up in arms about the courts over-ruling state votes on gay marriage, that the courts should not be able to override the vote of the people, this is what I keep hearing them say on the radio. That the people have spoken and the courts should not have the power to override that vote. Now, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that EXACTLY how GW got in to office? How come no one is pointing this out to them when they say these things in public, to the interviewers, on radio and TV and in the press? Seems elementary to me...


  1. Hey look, an anonymous person using a link to an opinion piece in a tabloid to make an "argument". Good job!

  2. too true, opinions, like my own, are not facts. You are welcome to diagree with me but citing an opnion does not make you correct.
