Friday, September 09, 2005

Fixing our world image

Evidently President Bush is feeling the heat from all his bad choices and has assigned someone to spin us a new image. According to an article by Reuters:
One immediate task for Hughes will be countering the negative effects abroad of the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

Television images of desperate and mainly black survivors of the storm stranded in danger and squalor in flooded New Orleans fueled perceptions abroad that the United States was a racially divided country in which the government is unconcerned about its poorest citizens.

Umm, hello, they fueled the same perceptions at home. Or I should say added fuel to a perception that already existed. After the President got elected he was quoted as saying that:
"This is an impressive crowd -- the haves and the have mores. Some people call you the elite -- I call you my base.” -- George W. Bush

Some people argue that this was a quote repeatedly taken out of context. I would argue that simply popping in to his mind is an indication of his true feelings. And now we have thousands of poor people dying due to lack of a timely response to a disaster we even knew was coming. And since Bush had given only a fraction of the money asked for to shore up failing levies, it wasn't hard to imagine thay at least some of them might fail in a situation like this. How come no one asked, oh my what happens if our crappy levies are damaged by this class 4 hurricane? Damn, someone do their job please.

Ok, I'm pretty sure I'm PMSing so I'll shut up now.

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