Wednesday, February 23, 2005

from the perspective of a non-human

That was the assignment.

8 Weeks Old

I don't understand. When I'm quiet you're all
concerned, when I'm playing you get angry with me for
making too much noise. You toss all sorts of things at
me that I can't stand, and this makes you happy but
when I find something laying around that makes ME
happy, this makes you angry.

I try to stick close by cause I think you're the boss,
but you keep telling me to GET OUT OF THE WAY, so I go
as far away as I can and you call me back. I come back
over, follow you everywhere, and you step on me
OUCH, OUCH, OUCH, OUCH I scream and you yell WELL GET
OUT OF THE WAY! I slink away and lick my wounded
feelings.I do not understand.

It was so much easier with my mom and siblings. Let's
play meant let's play. A good growl meant get out of
the way. Everything was a toy. It was impossible to
get TOO CLOSE to each other. It was so simple. The
rules were easy to understand.

What is the right signal for play? How do I know when
to stay away? When is the right time to come near?
Which objects are mine? Where is it ok to lay? Why do
you bark so loud? Who is the boss? I want to make you
happy, make you like me, fit in with this new pack,
but can't you see, I don't understand your rules.

Kate Humphrey

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